

by Tiledesk (v. 2.0.1)
Receive Whatsapp conversations in your Tiledesk dashboard. Seamlessly converse with your targeted audience on Whatsapp account right from the Tiledesk dashboard.
  • Integrate Whatsapp Twilio with Tiledesk - map details like Whatsapp Channel name, Channel ID and channel access for a seamless integration.
  • Once integrated the Whatsapp account, receive an alert on your Tiledesk account.
  • Handle Whatsapp Account from a single Tiledesk account.
  • Enable instant messaging and answer multiple conversations - everything from Tiledesk account.


Whatsapp installed on your Tildesk project!

Tiledesk info messages (e.g. "Chat Closed", "Lead Updated", ...) will be sent in the end-user's chat.